What type of Onsite clinic?

Onsite Clinic Services

We offer 2 different types of Onsite Clinics

Our Onsite Clinics can be utilized in one of two ways, Onsite Clinical Staffing or Mobile Onsite Clinics. This means we can either send a team of staff members to your place of business and use your facility to administer services or they can perform the services in our Mobile Clinic.

Our Onsite Clinical Staff are contracted to perform the medical services you need, when you need them, utilizing your facility spaces

Our medical staff will coordinate with you to determine the best place to set up our Mobile Health Clinic. 

Onsite Clinical Staffing

We can offer any medical service or combination of services that you need, whether you are regulated by OSHA or the DOT. Explore our Onsite Clinical Staffing services and have a team sent to your facility where services can be administered onsite.

OSHA Medical Staffing Clinic

We offer a number of exams related to Occupational Safety and Health Standards to fulfill all of the regulatory requirements set by OSHA, like Audiometric Testing, Asbestos Physicals, Silica Physicals, and more.

DOT Medical Staffing Clinic

We offer a number of medical exams related to fulfilling all of the regulatory requirements set by the FMCSA, including DOT Physicals, Sleep Apnea Testing, Drug and Alcohol Administration Services, and more.

Drug & Alcohol Testing Clinic

We offer a number of services related to Occupational Medicine and General Health such as Biometric Screenings, Vaccinations, COVID-19 Services, X-Rays, Lab Services, and so much more.

Other Mobile Onsite Clinics

We offer several medical services or a combination of services through our Mobile Health Clinic. Whether you are regulated by OSHA, DOT, or you just need general medical services, you can explore all of our services and decide what you need or just contact one of our Occupational Medicine Specialists for expert advice.

Audiometric Testing Clinic

We bring our Audiogram Trailer to your business and test all of your employees in a controlled environment. If you are regulated by OSHA and have employees in a setting that puts their hearing at risk, you are required to test them regularly.

Physicals Clinic

We offer a number of physicals to our clients in our OnSite Clinics from DOT Physicals to Respirator Physicals to Audiogram Testing. We offer a long list of physicals for your employees.

Drug and Alcohol Testing Clinic

Allowing to set up a Drug and Alcohol Clinic will save you money and your emplopyee's time. This is beneficail for employees that need to be tested on a regular basis

Vaccination Clinic

We offer several different types of vaccinations including and Flu Shots and COVID-19 vaccinations. Keep all of your employees safe by testing them regularly and giving them easy access to getting their vaccinations and boosters.

Need Mobile Services?

Contact us to find out if your company qualifies for Onsite Medical Services

Onsite Clinics

Save time and money by letting our team of professionals come to your large fleet or company.

Onsite Clinic Services - Questions?

Our Occupational Healthcare staff members are ready to answer any questions you have whether you need In-Clinic Services or Onsite Clinic Services.