300 Million COVID-19 vaccines may be distributed by May 31 to fully vaccinate all adults

According to the CDC vaccine tracker, over 110 million doses have been delivered across the country and nearly 83 million administered. This is compared to last Christmas when 9.5 million doses were distributed and over 1 million doses were administered.

The only way to truly get ahead of the pandemic and back to normal life is scientifically approved vaccines to be distributed across the globe.

President Biden on March 2nd said that there will be enough vaccines available for all adults in the U.S. by the end of May, two months earlier than he had previously anticipated.

This is thanks to a third vaccine approved by the FDA from Johnson & Johnson as rival pharmaceutical company Merck teams up to help.

All three FDA-approved vaccines are safe and highly effective in preventing “very serious illness and death,” according to the director of the White House COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force.

As more vaccines become FDA-approved, distribution is becoming more complex.

  • Johnson & Johnson had made nearly four million doses for immediate distribution and is expected to deliver 20 million doses by the end of March and 100 million doses by summer.
  • Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, without the supplement from Merck, are scheduled to supply enough doses in the U.S. in March to vaccinate about 80 million people.
  • In April, enough doses will be supplied for 125 million people, assuming shots from AstraZeneca PLC and Novavax Inc. are effective and approved by the FDA.
  • By the end of May, the U.S. may have enough Covid-19 vaccine doses to fully vaccinate all 210,000 million adults 18-and-older in the U.S.

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For more information, contact us at 800.551.9816 or info@cnsoccmed.com.

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